Coco Loco 17º
Base made from a blend of rum and coconut liqueur.
The alcohol content of our concentrate is 17º, which results in a cocktail of 4.5º when mixed.
A Professional Cocktail System designed for maximum convenience and easy preparation, streamlining the bartender’s work while optimizing product costs.
A must-have on the bar menu of any independent café or hotel. Its great popularity will significantly enhance the added value of both hotels and cafés.
Thanks to its simple preparation, anyone can make it with the guarantee of always serving an excellent-quality drink.
Box / Bottle
Box of 6 ut.
1 L
20 cocktails
Best Before
24 months
Product information
At a cool temperature not exceeding 30ºC. In a cool and dry environment.
Manufacturingen breve
- Open the bottle and place the 5 cl dispenser.
- Pour the dose into a shaker with ice.
- Add 15 cl of milk.
- Shake the shaker and mix well.
- Serve in an appropriate glass and garnish.
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